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Competition Info

Final Details

General competitor information relevant to all days.

Age Class

A full range of age classes are available. Entry will be available on the day; at registration; whilst there are unused start times and maps.

Colour coded

White, Yellow, Orange and Light Green colour coded courses are available.  Entry will be available on the day; at registration.

String courses

There will be String courses provided each day for young children, using special maps. There will be no charge. Certificates will be awarded, and should be kept to be filled in on finishing each day. Electronic punching will be used. Register at the string course on event days. Courses are available between 10:00 and 15:00.

Shadowing children

We must ensure that the competition is fair to everyone. If juniors require shadowing, they must enter the colour coded courses. No shadowing will be allowed before your own run. The adult shadower must not pick up a map at the start.


Whistles must be carried by all competitors to be used only in an ‘injury emergency‘ to summon help. Blow the whistle 6 times, 1 minute break, then repeat until help arrives. It is a competitor’s responsibility to respond to a fellow competitors request for such help.

Competitor clothing

Due to the risk of ticks and blood borne diseases; full body cover, not torn, is compulsory when the competition area is forested, this means legs and torso. On days 2 and 3; arm cover is also recommended.

In the event of poor weather, wind and/or rain; waterproof hooded jackets may also be compulsory on some of the days; particularly days 1 and 4. These rules will be checked at both the start and finish of the race. If the weather is very benign on days 1 or 4 the organisers reserve the possibility of allowing shorts to be worn for courses on the open areas; a notice will be displayed on arrival at the race site. On day 1, whatever the weather, shorts are not suitable for courses from the white start due to undergrowth.

Where starts and finishes are remote, there is a possibility of depositing clothing near to the start/finish; these are public areas so you do so at your own risk, please remember to collect it after your run.

Maps Scales

The map scale for all competitors on day 2 will be 1:7500.

On days 1, 3, 4 & 5, courses 1 – 14 will have a scale of 1:10000 except on day 4 when course 12 will be 1:7500.

Courses 15 – 17 will always have a scale of 1:7500.

Map sizes will be ca. A3 or A4. Maps will be printed on waterproof paper.

Map Contour Intervals

The contour interval on all maps is 5 metres.

Map Bags

Maps will be printed on waterproof paper, they will not be bagged. Although not necessary, if competitors wish to cover their maps, they will have to bring their own map cases.


Competitors are responsible for picking up the correct map. Maps will not include a legend but copies of the legend will be available for collection from enquiries in the assembly area. Maps will generally be printed with the control descriptions on the front; in the event of this not being possible; they will be printed on the back. Separate control description lists will be issued in the start lanes; it is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure they collect the correct course descriptions and do not litter the area by dropping them during their course.

Non Standard maps

On the two ‘mountain days’, day 1 at Swindale and day 4 at Pike O’Blisco; the maps used by the majority of the competitors will NOT have the ‘rough open screen’ even though the entire areas are ‘rough open’. The maps will have a ‘white, open forest’ colour to improve clarity and save ink! Some courses on these days will have a separate normal ‘full colour map’. Further information about which courses use which maps will be included on the final details and they will be on display in the start lanes and assembly. Grid lines on the maps are in blue ink.

Electronic Punching

The SPORTident electronic punching system will be used, and all versions of SI card are accepted. Competitors must use the SI card that they quoted on entry OR if different, get this changed before going to the start. Please clear your SI cards at the pre start. Please download as soon as possible.

Control Description Sheets

All age class and colour coded courses will use pictorial description sheets. In addition, courses 15 – 17 will have the option of written descriptions. Control descriptions will be printed on the competition maps; loose copies will be available in the start lanes.


Bibs can be collected from registration either on Saturday 2nd August or at any of the race sites. They must be worn on all days. Please write relevant medical information on the back of bibs (e.g. allergies). Please bring pins to attach your bib.

Pre-Start Map Viewing

Blank maps will be displayed in assembly and in start lanes. Maps for White and Yellow courses will be available for competitors to view before their run. Competitor’s maps will not be collected after your run, please do not show your map to anyone who has not yet started.

Start Times

Starts are from 10:30 to 14:00 with courses closing at 16:00. It is the competitor’s responsibility to arrive at the start on time. Runners not on time will be started as soon as possible, but there may be long waits for a free slot. Start times will not be changed at the start. Competitors MUST punch the start unit after they leave the start line. Persistent deviation from allocated start times may be investigated by the organisers. Bibs will display ‘Open’ for competitors who do not have pre allocated start times (all colour coded entries and parents with split starts). Start lists will be displayed in assembly.

Control Layout

As some of the days are on inaccessible high mountains; it is not practical to carry metal stakes. On these days, the SI unit will be attached to the cane on which the control is hung but placed on the ground. An example control layout will be available for competitors to view prior to the starts on each day.


The following colours will be used: red/white – out of bounds/ crossing points and taped routes in terrain. Yellow/black – danger; there are many hundreds of crags in the areas, some very high, these are not taped. Routes to starts will be taped according to the start colour.


On display in assembly and regularly updated on the web. Wi-Fi will be available in assembly. Results books will not be printed.

Event scoring system

For all classes, points will be awarded for each day’s result, with point’s allocated based on finishing position. Thus, the class winner will receive 1 point, second placed competitor 2 points, and so on. Competitor’s overall score will be the sum of their best four scores of the week. In the event of a tie between two or more competitors the competitor with the lowest individual day placing will win. Competitors who fail to finish, who do not start, or who are disqualified, will be awarded a point’s score which is 5% higher than the maximum number (over all five days) of entrants for the class.

Complaints, Protests and Appeals

Complaints should be made to the Day Organiser either orally or in writing at the information tent up to 16.00 on the day of the competition. There is no fee for a complaint. The Day organiser is the adjudicator of a complaint. A protest can be made against the Organiser’s decision, in writing to the Controller. Protests and appeals will be handled under Rules 5 & 6 and Appendix A of the 2014 British Orienteering Rules.

Safety and remote finishes

As the majority of our events have a remote finish; it is essential that all competitors visit the download tent AS SOON AS POSSIBLE whether or not they have finished their course.


There will be a prizegiving at 2.30pm on the last day in the assembly area. Prizes will be awarded to the first 3 competitors in all junior age classes, the first 3 in senior Long classes and the winners of senior Short classes. If you cannot come to the prizegiving on day 5 could you please make arrangements for someone to collect your prize? We shall not be able to send prizes to overseas winners after the event.

There is a very small possibility that late runners on day 5 may affect the final points and alter the overall calculation.  However, we are making sufficient time allowance for those in contention for the main prizes to have completed their runs.  Any changes after the prizegiving will be posted on the web site.

Day awards, There is a small prize for the winner of every class every day.  These prizes can be collected from the Enquiries point at any event.

Competitor’s medical conditions

We will be providing St John Ambulance first aid cover at all events but if you suffer from a medical condition that you think it would be useful for us to know in advance; could you please let the Event Director know by email on  such information will be treated in the strictest confidence. Alternatively; you may wish to write such information on the reverse of your competition number.

E coli

E coli may be found where farm animals have been grazing; this includes the fields used for car parking and assembly as well as the competition areas. It is recommended that you wash your hands thoroughly before eating.


Pre ordered clothing should be collected from the stall at the registration day or in assembly on race days. A limited range of Lakes 5 Day clothing will be on sale, cheques/cash only.


Could you please take all litter home with you.


As part of our commitment to the Lake District environment we are asking competitors to support actions to minimise the introduction or spread of non-native species and diseases such as phytophthera pamorum (larch) and ash dieback. Everyone is asked to arrive at the event with clean dry clothing and footwear. At each day, after the finish, we will be providing cleaning stations, as supplied by the South Cumbria Rivers Trust, for competitors to clean their footwear. Please support this initiative.

Environmental statement and water

Although many people are travelling a long way for our event we are endeavouring to reduce the events environmental impact as much as possible. We will not therefore be providing bottles of water for competitors at the finish. You will be expected to bring your own water. If you are intending to take a water bottle to the start on the ‘remote mountain start days’; could you please ensure that the bottle is fully crushed before depositing it in the bin liners provided; one of the volunteer organising team will have to carry it down although offers from ‘finished competitors’ to help with this would be most welcome! We would also like competitors to take their own rubbish ‘home’ with them.

Car park exits

As all of the car parks have a single track entrance; competitors will not be allowed to leave until after 12.30; it is expected that all competitors will arrive at the event prior to this time. It would be very helpful for those leaving the Lake District after the day 5 event if people arrived even earlier, allowing a quick getaway!

Categorised under: CompetitionDay 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5

Related Information

D5: Hampsfell & Eggerslack

Results, Winsplits, Splitsbrowser and Routegadget are all available. BOF results have also been uploaded.

D4: Pike O’Blisco

Results, Winsplits, Splitsbrowser and Routegadget are all available. BOF results have also been uploaded.

D3: Grizedale NW

Results, Winsplits, Splitsbrowser and Routegadget are all available. BOF results have also been uploaded.

D2: Simpson Ground

Results, Winsplits, Splitsbrowser and Routegadget are all available. BOF / UKOL results have also been uploaded.

D1: Swindale South

Results, Winsplits, Splitsbrowser and Routegadget are all available. BOF / UKOL results have also been uploaded.