Day 3 Whinlatter
Tuesday 31st July
Please pay careful attention to the parking arrangements.

Nearest town:
Grid Ref:
Postcode: CA13 0QQ
Latitude: 54.65333
Longitude: -3.37608
Google Map (aerial)
Bing Map (OS)
Results links
BOF Results
Organising Club
West Cumberland Orienteering
Planner ; Alan Irving
Organiser ; Michael Billinghurst
Controllers ; Dan & Karen Parker (BL)
If you want to see photos of the various days, one place to see them is the collection put together by Laurence Johnson
There are 2 car parks. Note the map is for the MAIN remote parking, not the priority parking. Unless you have a permit you should head for the MAIN car park at Mitchells Auction Mart, Cockermouth. GR NY 114295 Postcode CA13 0QQ. It is accessed from the Cockermouth roundabout on the A66. Competitors will be bussed to the assembly area.
The coach company have said 'well behaved and reasonably clean dogs' are acceptable for travel on the coaches!
Priority parking on forestry roads at Revelin Moss, 0.3km east of the Visitor Centre entrance at Whinlatter; for those with parking permits see application process: GR NY 208244 Postcode CA12 5TW. 1.0km to 2.1km walk to assembly. This point is also the bus stop for competitors using the main car park. Please be aware of embarking and disembarking passengers, and give buses priority.
The Forestry Commission have requested that competitors do not park at Whinlatter Visitor Centre, except for cars displaying a registered disabled permit or lakes 5 day disabled permit.
Assembly area is beside the finish on a wide forest road. Registration/enquiries, download, toilets, and first aid will all be located there. There is an area adjacent to the finish that can be used for spectating and small shelters. There is no room for club tents.
Application for PRIORITY PARKING
The main car park for day 3 is 14km from the event and competitors will be bussed between the two locations.
Some space remains available at the priority parking following the initial allocation.. Requests to park here will now be considered from people who will be travelling in a vehicle containing three (3) or more competitors.
To request priority parking please email as soon as possible with the following details:
· A contact name,
· The total number of competitors in the vehicle.
· The registration number of the vehicle you expect to use.
You will be contacted shortly before the event to advise if your request has been successful.
Please note that priority parking is up to 2km walk from the assembly/finish area. The bus stop is 0.5km from assembly so using the main car park will involve less walking.
Start directions and climb etc.
1.2km and 130m climb from assembly on forest roads and paths.
In the assembly area.
Updated by Pete Nelson 2017-18. Single track cycle routes are marked with a special symbol shown below. You may cross these with care but you may not proceed along them or stand on them.
Steep working forest of varying runnability, and surrounding areas of open fell. The ridge tops offer moderately complex contour detail.
Safety Information
Whinlatter is a working forest so the usual precautions apply. Do not approach forestry machinery and do not climb on log piles. The route from the bus stop and priority parking to assembly crosses the Whinlatter pass road which can be busy. The crossing will not be marshalled so please take care. There is no mobile phone coverage at Whinlatter. In the event of an emergency land lines are available at the Whinlatter Visitor Centre and nearby rangers' office.
Other Information
Whinlatter is heavily used by the public as a mountain biking centre with many bike trails. At all times be alert for cyclists and take appropriate evasive action where necessary. Single track cycle routes are marked on the map with a special symbol shown in map information. You may cross these with care but you may not proceed along them or stand on them.
Buses from the car park to Whinlatter will run from 08:30. The last bus from Whinlatter back to the car park will be at 16:00. Buses will depart approximately every 10 minutes and the journey time is around 20 minutes.
In the event of delays, the start team will have instructions to be flexible so if you find yourself in a long queue with no sign of a bus, please contain your frustration.
Unlike other days, after the start call up, maps for courses 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 &10 are on the left of the track, the rest on the right. Those on the left follow one set of tapes to their start triangle; the ones on the right follow a different set of tapes to a different start triangle.