Lakes 5 Quiz

Thanks to Dan and Karen Parker for inventing this O-quiz for us. Nearly 200 copies of the quiz were taken and 35 solutions were handed in.

Winners were: Foley-Fishers and Vincents with perfect solutions.

There were 10 entries with one answer incorrect, usually number 30:
Stevens Family
Nash Family
Tony Udris
Chris Boycott
Beresford Family
Mike Garvin
Stan Foster
Taunton Family
BOK Cart

1 Carried abroad BORNEO
2 Good French singer BONO
3 Fast slow LENTO
4 Voice key ALTO
5 Sauce of irritation PESTO
6 Tree saint ELMO
7 Long for Cinderella maybe PANTO
8 Fallen tree symbol LOGO
9 Greetings from below HELLO
10 Dog sound DINGO
11 Excessively forward TOO
12 Silent flying animal DUMBO
13 Can of sauce MAYO
14 Liverpudlian wedding perhaps RINGO
15 Rush of enthusiasm GUSTO
16 Noble game LUDO
17 Leave capital QUITO
18 Yugoslavian bird TITO
19 Body of hills TORSO
20 Remote holiday destination FARO
21 Rings tramp HOBO
22 Mutant attractor MAGNETO
23 Embrace victor HUGO
24 Colour make-over REDO
25 Biscuit money OREO
26 Drop pudding SAGO
27 Ban medical man VETO
28 Speed that won’t last TEMPO
29 Dress for the country TOGO
30 Arrive at shop COME TO
31 Alcoholic victory WINO
32 Feature fabric CHINO
33 Dress an actress GARBO
34 Fiery pink FLAMINGO
35 eg Green party BEANO